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Are you ready to release the creative beast in you?

We offer a wide array of career building activities

Apart from providing monetization opportunities for creatives/creators, The Naija Creative offers a comprehensive program of events designed to engage and equip participants with the skills, knowledge and experiences necessary for success in their respective fields.

Workshops & Masterclasses

We invite industry experts and professionals to conduct workshops and masterclasses on topics relevant to members’ creative disciplines. These sessions cover various areas such as content creation techniques, storytelling, branding strategies, brand alignment, techniques, video production, digital marketing and more

Collaborative Projects

Members are encouraged to collaborate on creative projects within their cohort, assigned group tasks that require teamwork, creativity and problem solving. This will foster a sense of camaraderie and provide an opportunity for participants to learn from each other's strengths and expertise, as well as win monetary and other gift prizes.

Mentorship Programs

We also have a mentorship program where experienced creatives from the industry are paired with members based on their specific needs and goals. Our mentors provide guidance, feedback and industry insights, helping members navigate challenges and accelerate their growth.

Trainings and Practicals

We will also organize training and practical for interested members hosted by professionals and/or other skilled and talented members.

Industry – Immersion

We organize visits or virtual tours to creative companies, production studios or relevant industry events. This allows our members to gain first hand exposure to the professional working environment, network with industry practitioners and observe the creative process in action.

Guest Speaker Series

Our guest speakers from diverse creative backgrounds will share their success stories, experiences and valuable insights. These sessions inspire members, expose them to different career paths and provide valuable advice for their creative journeys.

Showcases and Exhibitions

Our showcases or exhibitions allow members to present their creative works to a wider audience. This platform allows them to gain recognition, receive constructive feedback and build their professional portfolios.

Networking Events

Our creative and entertaining events will allow members to connect with industry professionals, potential clients and like minded creatives, facilitate interactive discussions, breakout sessions and informal networking opportunities to encourage knowledge sharing, while having fun.

We welcome individuals who are Creative

Actors / Actresses


Copywriter / Scriptwriters

Skit Makers

Graphics Designer



Skit Makers


Actors / Actresses

Copywriter / Scriptwriters

Graphics Designer

Joining The Naija Creative is Easy-Peasy, Lemon Squeezy!

  • Applicants register here, provide essential information and make payment.
  • A portfolio link or sample work will be required for skill evaluation.
  • Our selection committee will review the applicant’s submission.
  • Creativity, growth potential and skill diversity will be reviewed.
  • Interviews or accessments will be conducted to evaluate applicants.
  • Accepted participants will be contacted and congratulated via email.

Enough Talk, Let's Have Some Fun